What we do
We’re different and we’re shaking it up, by looking at the body as it was designed, in movement.
Whilst we use our extensive Physiotherapy and Pilates background, we don’t believe you can reach your full potential by just focusing on activation and stretching of specific muscles. Sure, that’s relevant – but at the heart of what we do is activating your natural movement patterns (neurology) – something most of us have lost through modern life – to have the entire body working in synergy, which will address those niggling problems you have in your knee, your back; or support you through a change in life, or sporting performance.
This is why we talk about movement so much – what we’re talking about is retraining the body to use its natural and best movement patterns – which in turn will enable you to be your best version.
We’re also different because we believe in your ability to heal yourself. Sure, you need expert guidance and information (that’s where we come in). We can show you how much more you can overcome and achieve when you take ownership of your movement journey.
What we help with
Anything you’d normally see a physiotherapist or similar for – plus so much more.
Heal and Optimise Movement
We’re passionate about working with you to heal your body and improve wellbeing, not just treat symptoms.
We use our expertise to identify what you need, whether its a clear diagnosis or an improved way of achieving tasks. We then use movement to help you create the necessary change in your body to become your best version, not just now, or for the next week – but going forward. From a painful back that has been bothering you for years; to a teen with a sprained ankle; to a lady who is learning to walk again after a stroke.
- Pain (back, chronic, complex)
- Sporting injury | General injury | Post-Op
- Posture and movement problems
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Neurological conditions – e.g. stroke | MS | Parkinsons
- Rheumatological conditions – e.g. rheumatoid arthritis | Fibromyalgia
Support Change and Optimise Movement
We’re passionate about supporting you through changes in your life.
Your body often undergoes significant change at these times, and it’s assumed you just get on with life as per normal, which can not only be physically difficult, but emotionally isolating.From a mother alone at home with back pain caring for her new baby; to a triathlete with a great amount of expectation on her shoulders; to a grandfather no longer able to play with his grandkids due to shoulder pain.