Group Exercises

Up to 8 people per session

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Our Invitation to Move - As you were Designed

Reformer & Mat Based | Small Equipment

Physio led Pilates | 45 minutes

Bring awareness and mindfulness to the way you move

Move joints and muscles as they were designed - Movement Biomechanics

Condition your body from head to toe

Everyone doing the same exercises together

Instruction and guidance in a larger group (1:8)

Assessment recommended - not essential

Find your feet.

Bring balance and symmetry to your body

What does a session look like?

  • Check in with your body using movements

  • Feet Work - wedges | movements

  • Get your base of support where it should be.

  • Breathing practice

  • Pilates informed physiotherapy exercises - including activation of muscle systems through specific joint movements.

  • Deep core focus and conditioning, including pelvic floor, transverse abdominus, spinal muscles, diaphragm, rectus abdominus, obliques.

  • Equipment includes: Reformer, official AiM wegdes, foam roller, magic circle, theraband, balls, weights, oov, fitball


Benefits of a 1:8 Session


Lower price point

A space to practice

Learn about your body

Tools for self management

Be part of our community

Overall Benefits