Starting January 2022 in Frankston South.
Monday + Thursday 11am
Frankston South
Register your interest here.
Physio Led Movement and Pilates
Our Signature piece - Movement by Design
Mat based - Pilates Small Equipment
Individual or Small Group (Up to 8 people)
Bring balance and symmetry to your body
Bring awareness and mindfulness to the way you move
Move joints and muscles as they were designed - Movement Biomechanics
Condition your body from head to toe
Assessment First - as part of the Starter Program
Focus on you: Your posture and how you move
Find your feet
Utilise small equipment including balls, foam rollers and bands
What does a session look like?
Brief assessment and chat about you are feeling.
Check in with your body using movements
Group program is guided by how you are feeling on the day, your alignment, underpinned by the findings from your assessment
Feet work - wedges | movements - exercises to get your base of support where it should be
Mat based Pilates informed physiotherapy exercises - including activation of muscle systems through specific joint movements
Deep core focus and conditioning, including pelvic floor, transverse abdominus, spinal muscles, diaphragm (breathing), rectus abdominus, obliques
Equipment includes: fit ball, oov, theraband, foam rollers, spikey balls, wedges