8 Week MOVE BETTER Program

This program is a unique experience for those who wish to educate and enable themselves with movement and the benefits that come from harnessing the way the body moves for health.

Providing you with the toolkit to be healthy not just now, but throughout your life.

It incorporates Biomechanics, Pilates informed Physio and Anatomy in Motion.

With the opportunity to continue in a tailored small group session or a larger group.

We offer a special intro price of $399 (valued at $585 - over 30% off) to recognise your investment in yourself and your commitment to the process.

Includes Assessment, Private Session, 3 x 1:3 Tailored Session, 3 x 1:10 Session

Sophisticated Assessment

An holistic and sophisticated biomechanical personalised assessment

60 minutes RRP $150

Includes official AiM movement wedges.

To ensure you get the best results, we need to understand your body so its essential to have a full assessment before you begin.

You start with an opportunity for us to discuss your history and specific needs - followed by a biomechanical and holistic posture and movement assessment.

Tailored Private Session

Attention to detail as you familiarise yourself with your program

60 minutes RRP $150

We get you moving through your personalised program.

Postural work | feet to skull | Pilates informed Physio exercises | Flexibility | Body Conditioning.

A lot of concepts and movements may be new, therefore the private focus accelerates your learning and gets you ready for group sessions.

3 x Tailored Group 1:3

A boutique biomechanical movement experience with tangible results

60 minutes RRP $65

Our sessions are typically run in a small group, as this represents the best value for you, whilst being tailored to your needs and involving you in our supportive community.

We keep classes small (max. three per class) so your experience remains highly tailored and hands-on, you achieve the results you want.

3 x Guided Mat Group 1:10

Mat based - Biomechanical movement synergy to make long lasting change

60 minutes RRP $30

Guided group classes incorporating awareness and alignment.

Checking in with how your body is feeling and waking the body up with specialised movements as your body was designed.